
Welcome to IGCP 449 & 518
The IGCP 449 project ran from 2000 until 2004; a follow-on project has been instigated to continue and build on its success. IGCP 518 started in 2005; David Bridgland continues as a co-leader, joined by Edgardo Latrubesse (Universidade Federal de Goias, Brazil), Andrei Matoshko (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev) and Rajiv Sinha (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur). The new project was approved in 2005 for one year in the first instance, unfunded. The chosen topic, ‘Fluvial sequences as evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late Cenozoic’, is globally inclusive, in that it is viable both in areas where much work has already been achieved and in areas perceived as gaps in the IGCP 449 coverage. This project allows the continued compilation of the internet database and other unfinished activities from the original project, while developing exciting new research areas. Its inaugural meeting is located at Harran University, Şanlıurfa – Turkey.